Available Monday 10/25. Available Now on Patreon.

Logan and The Giggler welcome to the show, longtime comic book lover and fan of the show, Scotty Scoop! News and Rumors returns with a breakdown of DC Fandome 2021. Whatchu Watching includes our take on Squid Game, My Hero Academia, Jaws 1-4, Speed 1 & 2, and Titans S3E12. And for The Meat, enjoy a review of 2004's Spider-Man 2. All this and more in this week's edition of Mostly Superheroes.

Sources: https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/article/everything-we-learned-at-dc-fandome-2021/

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S2E44: Spider-Man 3 (2007)


S2E42: Spider-Man (2002)